3.14 in the Mirror is Pie!

3.14 in the mirror is Pie!While playing around with some new permanent markers I just got today, I realized that the mirrored equivalent of 3.14 says PI.E! Who would have known God put this Easter Egg in life?

5 Reasons Why I Say NO to Obamacare

Obama's universal healthcare passed was put into effect today, March 23. No, I am not racist, and no, I am not a Republican. My political stance is neutral since I support who I think is best. Even so, I still don't like this universal healthcare plan. Why? Here are 5 of my stances.

Pioneers of Jazz plays at Frisco Jazz Festival!

Pioneers of Jazz - Pioneer Heritage Middle School (PHMS)If you didn't know, I play the keyboard in my school's Jazz Band. Just now, I realized that our performance was on YouTube and here I will share three songs with you: Lester Leaps In, Quiet Nights of Quiet Stars (Corcovado), and Chameleon. Of course, all of these are arranged, but these songs are still pretty tough to play.

Koobface -- The Notorious Virus that can Bypass McAfee

Sample Message Sent by Koobface Facebook VirusI was browsing Facebook today when suddenly I was hit with a message from a friend. Naturally, I went ahead and looked at the message. It had a link to "YouTube" and me being my curious self, I clicked on it. What was brought up was not YouTube, but a piece of malware. Curious for writing a blog post, I opened it and tested it against my system knowing it was deletable. The malware's name is the Koobface worm.

The Vastness of the Universe in a Nutshell

The Known Universe: Up to the Afterglow of the Big BangThe universe is big. It's really hard to grasp the concept of the universe, though, since we have only been on Earth. Stars in the sky always seem so small. It's hard to imagine how big the universe is, so here's a helpful video I found by the American Museum of Natural History.

The Greenish Xenolith -- the Strangest Superhero Ever

[caption id="attachment_573" align="alignright" width="150" caption="A Real "Live" Greenish Xenolith"]Austin Schebmeir's Greenish Xenolith[/caption]

One day in GT class, we were assigned to create superheroes based on word stems that we were at the time learning. I created a very cliche one, Atmoman. He could control the atmosphere, make wind, etc. Other people created slightly weirder ones, such as Picoman, a superhero who is so tiny enemies cannot spot him. But one cannot even comprehend the unthinkable superhero -- one that is not even a superhero in most minds: the GREENISH XENOLITH.

4 ways people have gotten rich exploiting the Internet

[caption id="attachment_560" align="alignright" width="150" caption="Hehe... thanks for the identity!"]South African Scammer got his Money![/caption]

There are two things scammers try to take from users on the internet: identities and money. With money, they get to live good lives. With identities, they get to get money to live good lives. Here are 4 of the most popular ways scammers have gotten rich off of exploiting you on the Internet.

Site Spotlight: Club Uber

Club UberIf you've been wondering I've been not posting for such a long time (almost a week) I've been doing much. I had a few exams this week involving reading etc. But one of the biggest things I've been doing is reviving my old website, Club Uber. Club Uber was my first PHP-powered website designed in 2007-2008. Recently, though, I have been working on my latest website, D Critic. Therefore, Club Uber was abandoned. Now I am racing to get it to the status it was at before: active.