A Funny Game Idea

The other day, I was daydreaming and came up with a funny game which I call the "Computer Jargon" game. See if you can guess the references!

The Best Way to Learn is not by Reading a Book

Often people ask me what the best book to learn a programming language is. The thing is, reading won't get you far. Sure it'll help you by doing rather boring exercises, but there's a better way: learning from the start.

Recently, I started learning Java so I could make plugins for the popular Bukkit server mod for Minecraft. I picked up the supposedly best book (Head First Java) and started reading. Most of the exercises were easy. They were just tedious. But for some reason, they refused to stick in my head.

What is taking up my hard drive space?

Data Eating
Most of us with at least Windows XP or Mac Leopard have at least 200 gigabytes of storage. That is a lot. But a lot of us tend to eat this up easily. How?

The Power of the Facebook "Like" Button

We've all seen the Facebook like button. As a matter of fact, yesterday marked its first birthday. You may see the new one I just added to my site. But why is it so successful?

The primary reason of the button's success is its simplicity: no logins are required, no popups to click a share button on and potentially have to type in a username and password: the same reason sites with "Facebook Connect" are so popular. (example: Quizlet)

Times New Roman is Dead.

I am Ugly
Typography is changing once again.

I was compelled to write this post because of a certain organization that has gotten on my nerves: the MLA. The MLA is basically an association that promotes uniform standards, and my English teacher and the rest of my school, city, and state follow it.

With my OCD, I would normally tolerate it. But one thing about them bothers me a ton: Times New Roman.

Project Euler Problem 6

The sum of the squares of the first ten natural numbers is, 12 + 22 + ... + 102 = 385
The square of the sum of the first ten natural numbers is, (1 + 2 + ... + 10)2 = 552 = 3025
Hence the difference between the sum of the squares of the first ten natural numbers and the square of the sum is 3025 385 = 2640.

How to Rename Files on Mac

So I've got my Mac. I've been doing some screenshots and I can't figure out how to rename a file in Mac OSX. But it turns out, it's very simple. Select the file, press Enter, then type in the filename of your choice. Simple. Mac.

Laziness is the Key to Failure

I have to admit, I’ve been pretty lazy with this blog.
I haven’t posted since last year, and my common excuse is homework overload.
Because of this, I haven’t had readers. I should have about 300 posts right now, but laziness killed me.

The Ultimate Guide to Studying

[caption id="attachment_814" align="alignleft" width="208" caption="Some Owl Dude doing Intense Studying"]

Owl Dude Studying

"I can't study.
"Studying is so hard!"
"When I'm studying, I fall asleep."
"How to study?"
"Google: Things to do when you are bored."
"Facebook prevents me from studying."
A question I am asked frequently is this: How do you make good grades? The answer is, essentially, to pay attention, study, and work hard. This answer is not sufficient for most people -- including me. In learning information, I have compiled a list of some very good ways to recall information.