What is the Internet, and How Does it Work?

I am absolutely tired of people coming up to me with complete ignorance about the internet. Just the other day, I was talking to someone about domain names and they asked me, "What's a domain name?" I replied, "An easier way to remember an IP." "What's an IP?"

Google vs. Bing vs. Yahoo: The Search Engine Wars Unveiled

Okay, so everyone knows about Google. Even I say to my parents or brother, "Just Google it." Google has become a generic term for using a search engine. But why do people like Google so much? Many say it's a very simple engine, but most use it because they don't know of any other search engines. Yes, Google is the most popular, but there are others too. So here's the big question: what is the best search engine?

Ask Ian

As of today, I will be running a service called "Ask Ian". Ask me any question and I will answer it to the best of my abilities. Refer your friends to this too!!! :D

Handy Manny: A Racist Brainwasher for the Next Generation of Young Americans?

This morning, I went downstairs to see my brother watching "Handy Manny" on the television. The title opening played and I saw a Hispanic handyman with a stubborn middle-aged Caucasian male interacting. I was shocked to see these stereotypes. While they may or may not have been intended, yes, Handy Manny does include stereotypes. Watch the intro and you'll see what I mean:

My computer is totally screwed up.

My computer is screwed up. I said it. It is totally messed up and probably uber-fragmented. I can't wait to get the parts for my new computer.