The iHome FastTrack Laser Mouse by LifeWorks

Left View of the iHome FastTrack Laser Mouse by LifeWorksThere are many great computer mice on the market, but it's a sort of paradox. Ergonomic mice usually are super-expensive and cheap mice look, act, and feel cheap with horrible sensitivity and lifetime. The folks at LifeWorks, though, have created a mouse that fulfills all of the requirements of a gaming mouse while still maintaining a low price.

A Personal Ad for the Count of Monte Cristo

The Count of Monte CristoIf you haven't heard of the Count of Monte Cristo, it's a very twisted plot and love story. Therefore, for class, we had to design personal ads for characters. I chose to do the Count of Monte Cristo himself. Here's my very strange and unusual ad. Please feel free to comment on it. I need criticism right now.

A snow day in Frisco, TX

[caption id="attachment_330" align="alignright" width="150" caption="Snow Day in Frisco, Texas"]Snow Day in Frisco, Texas[/caption]

Yesterday, today, and the day before yesterday, there was actually snow in Frisco, Texas! I don't mean the usual 1 inch of snow, but a freaking 4 inches! Amazing, right?

But do you know what's even more amazing? My brother and I built a huge tower complete with a staircase!

Pi Song -- Zoom! with a ? twist!

You know, pi, right? (aka ?) I was browsing on YouTube and came across a hilarious parody of the once-populPiar children's TV show Zoom! These kids try to teach us pi with a catchy song! Also, I looked it up on iTunes -- it's available as "the Pi song" by Hard n' Phirm!

Physics Invaders: Space Invaders With Gravity

Physics InvadersWhat do you get when you cross Space Invaders with a gravitized planet? Physics Invaders! I'm pretty sure everyone will like this spinoff of the classic Space Invaders! If you happen to be a fan of Space Invaders, you're in luck! It's just about the same thing except on the computer!

Top 10 Most Unique Keyboards

When you think of a keyboard, what do you visualize? Do you visualize rows and alternating columns? Do you visualize the familiar QWERTY? Do you visualize the huge spacebar? Or do you see two orbs that you need to move around like an alien? Here's a list of 10 of the strangest, weirdest, and most unique keyboards.

How to make your own .com website in 3 easy steps

Many of you know how to do this already, but since it has been requested so many times to me by my classmates and colleagues, I will introduce you to this relatively easy process. If you still don't understand the structure of the Internet well enough, please read this article.

Addicting Helicopter Game

If you still remember the site "Club Uber", this was one of the most popular games on the site. Obviously, it's REALLY addicting. The controls are simple: click to move up, release to fall. Try not to run into anything or you will explode!